08 November 2008


This and That. As always.

Subject: Your Report.
from: Smidt, Hauke
to: "Ye, Z*** W**", "Widyarani, Rani"
cc: "Kruse, Thomas", "Sack, Eveline"
date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 10:06 AM
subject: Your report

Dear Z*** W** and Rani,

Yesterday we received your report on the Microbial Ecology experiment. We have read it, and found that it was very similar (to a large extent identical) to the report of another group (group 10). Of course, we can not prevent that the students from different groups help each other. That's perfectly ok. But please avoid plain copy/paste from other people's reports. Thát's in nobody's interest.
In this current form, we don't think that the report is of sufficient quality, but you can of course submit another version. No problem.


from: Ye, Z**** W**
to: "Smidt, Hauke", "Widyarani, Rani", "Kruse, Thomas"
date: Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 1:58 PM
subject: RE: Your report

Dear Hauke

I am sorry for that, I do reference from group 10 about the material and methods part, and I did not make very big modification. This part need to be done by the Dutch guy who has been disappeared. I had seperated the task, Rani for introduction part, the Dutch guy do the material and methods, and for me is the ''results and discussion" and conclusion. We will rewrite the material and methods again soon. Then we will send to you.

best regards,

from: Ye, Z*** W**
to: "Widyarani, Rani"
date: Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 4:42 PM
subject: RE: Your report

Dear Rani
How is your modification going?

Shall we hand in it on tomorrow or wednesday?


from: Widyarani
to: "Ye, Z*** W**"
date: Mon, Nov 3, 2008 at 8:23 PM
subject: Re: Your report

don't worry, it's been taken care of. I spent the weekend and half today to do it. it's not merely just modification, I basically had to rewrite the report.

I just don't understand how on earth you could do such stupid things like that. it's really a disgrace. we're lucky that hauke was kind enough to us. to be honest, if I get into trouble because of your stupid mistakes, I won't be bother to write this email.

but trust me, if you keep doing things like this, you're gonna get into trouble. don't ever think that everything can be 'modified' according to your wish

Why I stopped using (graphic) emoticons. At least for the time being. Because their size is bigger than my font size, and it makes the whole thing looks a little bit messy. And I like keeping my blog simple and clean. And the look of those ASCII emoticons is sometimes intriguing. Such as this.

On Stupid Conversation. Me, not him.

"Rani, do you drink coffee?"
"Wow, I've never seen that."
"Well, I drink coffee."
"I thought it may be forbidden for you (by your religion) or something."

Sigh #:-S

There's too many misunderstanding and I wish I were a better spokeperson.

When the Last Time You Lost Your Flashdisk Cap? Should I add, your 512MB flashdisk cap? :D

I Tend to Re-discuss Things from My Sideblog in My Main Blog, Don't I? Because at first I just think it worth mentioning. And sometimes I don't have time (or inspiration or whatever) to make a real blog post.

Anyways, here I do it again. My deep condolences for the death of Michael Crichton. Just three days after I wrote this :(

Well yea of course I don't dig all his books. But he was truly a good writer. Timeline and Airframe will always be my favorites. In his almost four decades career, he's built his reputation as "a great storyteller that challenged our preconceived notions about the world around us".

Good bye, Sir. Thank you for all your wonderful works.

...Life is perfect, life is the best, full of magic, beauty, opportunity... and television... morning coffee... and surprises, lots of surprises...
Have a nice weekend everybody :)

4 komentar:

  1. Pantesan kemaren bilang otaknya mau di-remending,lupanya lagi bete berat, kenapa nggak dijitak aja tuh anak-anak yang lain...he he he...peace senior

  2. Senior, punya catatan kuliah bioprocess design-kah?

  3. Wuih, galaknya. Orang mana Ran? biar gue timpe! *tapi kalo cewe susah juga, ga susila ;p*

  4. @roby: itu mah minggu kemarin. weekend ini mah senang :D

    @ifan: sapa yg galak? gue? :D
