07 September 2005

Lagi-lagi posting-dari-pada-gak-posting-posting, hehe. Maafkan, maafkan. Ini pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari juragan buku Bapak A.D. Prihutomo di Friendster.

Q> First of all, do you like reading?
A> Yep!

Q>What is the title of the book you are reading now?
A> Banyak seeh... Let see... I'm sort of reading "Catatan Seorang Demonstran" (Soe Hok Gie) and re-reading "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" (J.K. Rowling). Dan lagi banyak membuka "The New Book of Popular Science Volume 2". Tapi kalo yang dibaca sebelum tidur, "Menggagas Renaisans Indonesia" (Zaim Uchrowi) dan "Laporan Hasil Pemantauan Kualitas Air Waduk Saguling Triwulan III 2004" (LP Unpad). Syedaap...

Q> What is the title of the last book you've finished reading?
A>"Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince."

Q>What is your favorite fiction book(s)?
A> Banyak ah. Kalow mengikuti pengarang favorit saya di Friendster sesuai pertanyaan nomer sekian, hmm... I guess "Icon" (Frederick Forsyth), "Tortilla Flat" (John Steinbeck), "Burung-burung Manyar" (Y.B. Mangunwijaya), serial Anak-anak Mama Alin (bubin LantanG), "Dilarang Mencintai Bunga-bunga" (Kuntowijoyo).

Q> What is your favorite nonfiction book(s)?A>
A> Stephen Covey's "7 Habits for Highly Effective People", huahuahuahaha, gak gue banget seeh? Actually, not a nonfiction reader.

Q> How many book do you buy in a month?
A> Bisa satu, bisa lima, gak pernah nyampe sepuluh sih, kadang-kadang gak beli sama sekali.

Q> How many book do you finish reading in a month?
A> I read "Gege Mengejar Cinta" (Adhitya Mulya) dalam waktu lima jam, but I finished Henri Charrière's "Papillon" in two months, so you figure it out.

Q> What is the title of first novel you read?
A> Serial Noni-nya Bung Smas termasuk novel bukan sih? If so, then, "Peragawati dari Krapyak". Kalo bukan, hmm... I certainly don't remember. Mungkin salah satu novel lepasnya Enid Blyton. Atau sebuah novel gak inget siapa yang nulis tentang keluarga yang terpecah-belah gara-gara kecelakaan kapal Tampomas. Huhuuu... mengharukan sekali.

Q> What do you do with the books you've finished reading?
A> Put it under my pillow and go to sleep.

Q> How many "non academic" books are there in your room?
A> Adyuuh... males ngitungnya, kurang kerjaan amat seeh... Kalo gak salah ngitung ada 25. Buku-buku gue kebanyakan di Serpong seeh...

Q> Who is your favorite author?
A> (sesuai Friendster) Frederick Forsyth, John Steinbeck, Y.B. MAngunwijaya, bubin LantanG, Kuntowijoyo

Q> Have you met your favorite author?
A> Ketemu sih nggak, imel2an kali.

Q> Do you have a book with the author's sign in it?
A> Ada juga buku tulisan tangan daripada penulisnya sendiri yaitu buku coret-coret film tulisan saya sendiri. Alah, gak penting.

Q> Who is your favorite character in the books you've read?
A> Teto ("Burung-burung Manyar") kali ya? Dan semua kakek-kakek dalam cerita-cerita Kuntowijoyo. Dan oh, gue jatuh cinta sama Larung ("Larung").

Q> What is your favorite quote from a book?
A> Umm... I should get to work in 45 minutes, I can't remember anything.

Q> What was the last book that you gave as prize?
A> Chicklit buat Mia, judulnya bahasa prancis gitu gue lupa.

Q> What was the last book that somebody gave you as a prize?
A> Hmmmmm... Bapak Itonk memberi saya "The Pearl" (Steinbeck), e-Fun ngasih saya Tortilla Flat (Steinbeck juga). Tapi a prize as in birthday, "REM Documental" dari Budi (oh yeah, statusnya saya sedang membaca buku itu juga).

Q> What is the book you desperately want to have now?
A> Winnie the Pooh dan The House at Pooh Corner (A.A. Milne). Hehe, gak susah amat ya? Kurang usaha aja.

Q> Do you like Verses? What's your favorite?
A> Verses teh apaan? (Kaciri teu bisaeun basa Inggris)

Q> Where do you usually buy your books?
A> Wherever I may roam... ugh!

Q> Do you buy 2nd hand books?
A> Yep!

Q> Do you write stories?
A> Shamefully, yes.

Q> Do you write poets?
A> Once in three or four years, usually when I got broken heart, hehe. Last time a day after Ririn's operation, it's in this blog.

Q> Do you read Shakespeare's works??
A> Noup. But I watch movies based on Shakespeare. Hehe, beda ya?

Q> Do you read classic literatures (Dickens, Hardy, Twain)?
A> Dickens, some. Jarang seeh... (Eh, Hardy teh bukan Hardy Boys kan? Ouch! *slap me!*)

Q> Do you like chicklits/teenlits?
A> Read them, sometime.

Q> Do you like English Literature?
A> Don't read lot of them.

Q> Do you like latin literature?
A> sama dengan di atas.

Q> Do you like oriental/east asian Literature?
A> I guess so. Japanese are sick!

Q> Do you like indian Literature?
A> I like Narayan and Arundhati Roy.

Q> Do you like middle east literature?
A> Don't know much. Saya bahkan belum baca Nawal el Sadali.

Q> Do you like russian literature?
A> I guess so, walopun gue belum beranjak dari Bab 2 Dr. Zhivago.

Q> Do you judge a book by its cover?
A> No, I'm a fair person. Honestly. :D

Q> Do you judge a book by its ratings?
A> Jarang baca rating.

Q> Which one do you like more, a good writen based on a good movie, or a movie made based on
good book?
A> Don't really like either, tapi kalo harus milih, yang kedua.

Q> What book do you predict to be made as movie?
A> Dee's "Supernova"? Coba ke LFM dan cari Kine edisi Science Fiction taun 2002, siapa tau masih ada ;P

Q> What movie do you predict to be made as book?
A> Is there such thing?

siaul! bazar buku depan unpar ituh udahan ternyata :(

2 komentar:

  1. Q&A #17 tampak oke banget. :p
    ingat ini? tebak yg no. brp... http://budibadabadu.blogspot.com/2005/03/beberapa-kalimat-yang-masih-melekat.html

  2. bazaar unpar udahan ? kan ada books day out tgl 17 september dirumah buku. bee there ! :D
