05 Mei 2013


I need something to keep my away from binge-watching Community-Season-2-plus-commentary so I just do a review of Community Season 4 review instead.


 I had strong feelings after watching S4E11 Basic Human Anatomy (aka Freaky Friday) and S4E12 Heroic Origins. Those feelings couldn't be contained with reading reviews (after geekfurious abandoned season 4 completely, I made a habit of checking Alan Sepinwall's and several other reviews). I wasn't really in the mood of jumping in the comment section so, well, yeah...

 JIM RASH WROTE BASIC HUMAN ANATOMY AND IT WORKS! That is a hell of source of awesomeness. Jim Rash is an Oscar-winning screenwriter and a terrific actor who has been in the series since the very beginning. This episode manages to (a) be very funny; (b) tie up some loose ends, or at least one big loose end that really annoys me; and (c) be true to Dan Harmon's Community spirit. The Freaky Friday idea is in par with the zombie episode in its implausibility, yet that what makes Community so awesome. It was also really obvious that Troy-and-Brita doesn't work, that Troy and Britta had to realize that at some point. It might be a little stretch that Troy retreated back to his immaturity and Britta didn't explode and slap him (or Abed) in the face, and I am being a fan and try to rationalise everything here. Yes Troy was being immature but he probably thought he couldn't explain his feelings the way he wanted to. And Britta had to know that it didn't work, she wanted to get out of it to but she was afraid of hurting Troy's feeling and the group. Or she was just afraid of being the worst and britta'ed everything. And it was really funny. Some people who defend Season 4 for being not funny pointed out that a lot of episodes in Harmon's Community were not that funny as well. Well I just binge-watching season 1 and 2 and I can assure you that they always make me laugh.

HEROIC ORIGINS, ON THE OTHER HAND, WAS NEATLY CRAFTED BUT TOOK THE PATH THAT I DIDN'T WANT TO GO TO. I really like the flashback and comic book transition thingies. Jock Troy and Annie Adderall are both hilarious. It's just I don't really like the idea that they are each others Uncle Ben's murderer. I like the randomness of the pilot and how these crazy completely-unrelated characters were thrown together and make wonderful stories. And like so many other episodes in season 4, this hardly made me laugh, especially compared with previous week's Basic Human Anatomy. So the basic premise and even the execution was nice, I just wished they had put it with another idea or just come up with other less-dark backstory. And I just wished it was funnier.

Now... back to season 2? Seriously, I'm addicted.

2 komentar:

  1. Saya teh malah ga begitu suka season 2, soalnya asa terlalu banyak ngebully Pierce & Chang, season 3 asik lagi

  2. kayanya dr tiga season paling suka season 2 sih. ajaib2 ceritanya tapi masi make sense. season 3 abis greendale seven rada terlalu absurd buat gw

    tapi nonton sambil dengerin komentar itu makin membuat gw kecanduan sih. untung dvd season 3 masih mahal jadi masih menahan diri untuk beli
