27 Maret 2011


Akhirnyaaa nonton Stand van de Sterren jugaaa. Ributnya udah dari kapan ;))

Hmm... penutup trilogi yang keren euy. Ada yang gue ngerasa rada artifisial si, dan ada bagian yang kaya agak lepas. Tapi tetap juara. Nontonnya teteep... antara pingin ketawa sama miris. Satu kata buat Leonard: Juanc******k!!!!! Hahaha... Jadi keingetan waktu lagi ngerjain Extra Miles, terus nonton filmnya Leonard. Langsung pundung berhari-hari :P
log#9 2 years ago

Yesterday was… one of the best shot, content-wise, but definitely the worst shot, technically. In the morning I had a chat with +sali and we discuss about several thing and somehow I got “inspired” that it doesn’t need good techniques to make documentary. Content is more important. Of course, I was wrong.

Anyway, I WAS inspired by Leonard. He can make the most amazing shots. I still can’t figure out how he could pull out the walking scenes. Wait. Why am I talking about Leonard? Because I just found the movies here!!!

I mean, he really knows the camera, it seems like he can shoot without seeing the LCD/viewfinder. Therefore he can keep eye contact and make the objects act natural. That’s what I tried and I missed, a lot.

Jul 14, 2008, 06:04PM PDT
Ngemeng-ngemeng... tadi nonton di CineMec cuma bertiga sama Shindi dan Affan. Harfiah cuma kita bertiga yang ada di ruangan bioskopnya hahaha :)) Serasa bioskop pribadi :D

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