15 Oktober 2010


Who would've guess that such a small blink-and-you-will-miss-the-main-street city does have a movie theatre? Two, in fact. One is Movie-W, "the alternative art-house cinema of Wageningen". They do play movies that are alternatives to the other theatre.

Which is, Heerenstraat. It's the small cozy theatre I had promised I would write about. Well, cozy is a relative term. Some of my friends think it's old and shabby.

I'd say it's vintage, don't you think so?

I prefer Heerenstraat to Cinemec, the nearest 'big' theatre. Well it's not big, really. Just the size of a small Blitz theatre. And for me, size does matter because it affects comfort. So since I can't get big anyway, I prefer Heerenstraat because, as I said before, it's cozy and vintage. It's a bit like Cinerama in Rotterdam, only (indeed) smaller and less glamorous. How glamour can it be when you have this billboard :P

Can you guess what movies are those?

Waiting before being called to enter the theatre. Manually, not the mbak-mbak recorded sound.

This guy gave the movie's synopsis before the screening. And FYI, there is always a break in half-time, just like football game (exception for movies in 3D, I guess, and festivals). For full Dutch theatre experience (and indeed for other Dutch experiences), I recommend The UnDutchables.

And the movie! I re-write my facebook status: 'Even though I went to Bali to curhat (darn, I still don't know the proper English word for this), I still don't get why Liz Gilbert was so unhappy :-?'

5 komentar:

  1. gw udah nonton. dan, yap.. gw juga gak ngerti kenapa wanita ini bereaksi demikian dramatisnya..
    entahlah kalo di buku kayak gimana.. mungkin filmnya aja yg nggak berhasil menggambarkan kesupergalauannya? gw gak baca bukunya soalnya...l
    tapi julia roberts makin cantik.. cantik banget!! and that italian teacher.. oh my.. made my heart jump.. :P

  2. iya mungkin di bukunya lebih dapet (gue juga ga baca bukunya). tapi orang2 yg komen di rottentomatoes banyak yg bilang bukunya juga sama aja. cuma gara2 di-endorse oprah aja.

    bukan berarti ya orang yg punya kerjaan asik, banyak duit, banyak teman, dan bisa traveling seenak udelnya ga punya masalah. arisan! tu contonya bisa bagus. gue udah ga se-sinis bberapa bulan kemaren si, tapi sebenarnya film2 pencarian jati diri kayak gini lagi bukan my cup of tea. tapi film ini bahkan tidak mencerahkan in mario teguh way!

  3. and, oh, I'm annoyed by the lighting that supposed to make Julia all so sparkling. but maybe that's just me :P

  4. Nearly se7en years ago, young innocent kids were waiting in a wrong bus stop, past midnight, in winter time, after watching I am Legend.

  5. Kalo gua sih gak masalah filmnya apa.. yang penting nontonnya sama siapah. (Perdana, 2007)
