10 April 2008


This is the last time. I promise. Will look for another blockbuster-wannabe movie to rip-off. And boy, it's really difficult to find this picture. It turns out that I didn't save any copy :D
(and, yea, yea... the original "Apa Artinya Cinta" poster is a copyright of Starvision)

4 komentar:

  1. ran, ini maksudnya apa siiiy...? *beneran gak ngerti*

  2. hehe, tenang vir. kayanya juga cuma gue yg ngerti ko. even makhluknya juga ga ngerti :D

  3. ah, yang penting bukan tentang gw dah

  4. hmm... sagitarius padahal, harusnya kompatibel kata wikipedia

    ya udah nyari leo aja ah... :D
