31 Mei 2007


If you search internet for application tips or scholarship tips, among them you usually find something like “Check punctuation, grammar, and typographical errors” or “Pay careful attention to the grammar, spelling, and organization of your letter.” That’s why when I realized that I just sent this email,
Referring to your previous letter on 25 May 2007 Re: Confirmation, please find attach the copy of my passport.
I was scared and like, oh my God, how can I be so stupid? It’s not really a big mistake, but who knows how they will evaluate my application. I was afraid I won’t be able to sleep tonight, because small details like that usually haunt me on the most annoying time.

Anyway, the reply has just arrived.
…Only if something is not ok, you will here from us.
Hehe, I guess you’re now wondering what school I’m applying to :D

7 komentar:

  1. Rani mo sekola ke manaaaa....???? (yg lebih penting 'ke mana', bukan sekolah 'apa', hehe..kali2 aja bisa buat tebengan kalo lagi jalan2)

    btw gue suka iri (tapi senang) dengan temen2 yg pada sekolah lagi, apalagi di LN & beasiswa.. tapi dipikir2 lagi.. mungkin jalan orang emang beda2 ya..

    Semoga berhasil, Raniiii....!!! :D

  2. Yah, bakhan orang masih suka salha2 kok menulis di bahaas alsinya. :)

  3. mo kemana dan mo sekola apa...yg penting gud lak.....ayo ah.....sekola setinggi mungkin selagi bisa dan sejauh mungkin....

    *obsesi yg tidak tersampaikan* heuheuheu

    gudlak Ran ...

  4. makasi makasi :) blum bisa cerita2 ini. if there's any good news, of course you will here from me :P

  5. jepang kah ran? maklum lagi sering denger orang ngomong pas ngangkat hp "harro..." www.engrish.com banget

    well gudlak. tapi gw ga ngerti reason lo worry banget ama yang lo tulis. maklum belum searching and baca tips scolarship nya. atau gw aja yang stupid meski gw pede sih ama english gw

  6. Ran... another mistake again:
    "...you will hear..."
    mau kemana loe???
    bon courage!!!!

  7. hehe... bingung niy kalo udah gini. kalo gitu gue sekalian koreksi punya wildan aja deh. maksudnya

    Yah, bahkan orang masih suka salah2 kok menulis di bahasa aslinya. :)

