22 Juli 2005

Tentang Pagi Ini. Pagi ini ada Aldi AR di YM and it's sort of make my day in gak penting way. You know, seperti ketika seseorang tanpa disangka-sangka nawarin kursi buat lo di kereta, atau si mang yang pernah nemenin malem-malem lo begadang di SC lalu pindah ke mesin tiba-tiba nyapa lo ketika lo terburu-buru mau kuliah aerosol (and u think he wouldn't recognize u), atau cerita Riri when she had a bad day and an old man smiled at her and suddenly all things seemed easier than they were before.

Tentang Pagi Kemaren. I got a call on 6.25. Ang, emang dia bilang mau telpon. Ngobrolin kerjaan, catching up karena terakhir gue ketemu dia sebelum prajab. Itu hampir tiga bulan yang lalu and it's bad 'coz we should intensely communicate. Gue bahkan gak tau dia ke Bandung. But anyhoo, setelah "iya, ntar kalo ada ide gue sms apa telpon lo jam seginian", tau-tau dia ngomong,

"Ran, si Anggi ayeuna jadi reporter di XYZ."
"Oh yeah," sambil gak ngeh ini teh ngomongin apa.
"Tapi urang kalahkah pegat."

Upf! Hehe, jangan-jangan dia mo nelpon "banyak yang mesti didiskusiin" sampe gue bela-belain beli nomer simpati segala adalah untuk "ngediskusiin" ini, kakakakak.

Sesuatu yang gue heran tapi gue gak tanyain ('coz it's seem unlikely over long distance cellphone call) adalah ini:
Kenapa sih cowok—bukan cuma ang, tapi juga beberapa temen gue yang hampir/baru putus—seneng banget bilang, "Padahal gue tuh udah ngebimbing dia, from bla-bla-bla to blu-blu-blu."

Hehe, seriously. Kayaknya mereka menganggap "pacar" itu adalah seseorang yang harus di-upgrade dan mereka udah melakukannya hingga "kalo gak karena gue dia gak bakalan kayak gini."

Well, maybe it's true, but still...

Mungkin ini semacam florence-nightingale-syndrome di cewek kali ya? Atau gini, kan suka ada tuh di majalah-majalah remaja putri, cewek yang pacaran sama cowok brengsek trus bilang, "Kalo gue putusin ntar dia minum lagi, ngobat lagi."

Hehe, siapa gue ngomongin ginian? ;P

Ngomong-ngomong, inget posting gue yang dulu tentang already taken gay ;P
A friend sent this. Just compare.

Top reasons why ladies today are still SINGLE

1. The nice men are ugly.

2. The handsome men are not nice.

3. The handsome and nice men are gay.

4. The handsome, nice and heterosexual men are married.

5. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men, have no money.

6. The men who are not so handsome, but are nice men with money think we are only after their money.

7. The handsome men without money are after our money.

8. The handsome men, who are not so nice and somewhat heterosexual, don't think we are beautiful enough.

9. The men who think we are beautiful, that are heterosexual, somewhat nice and have money, are cowards.

10. The men who are somewhat handsome,somewhat nice and have some money and thank God are heterosexual, are shy and NEVER MAKE THE FIRST MOVE!!!!

11. The men who never make the first move, automatically lose interest in us when we take the initiative.


"Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it's our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark until they mature into something you'd like to have dinner with."

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