19 Oktober 2011


What I'm grateful for:
Having a friend who knows me all my life (at least, all significant part of my life), knows me enough to counter my hesitance with 'Gue kan tau elo Ran.'


5 komentar:

  1. that is a nice feeling :)

  2. Does it also show that you actually never go out of your comfort zone? :D

  3. stanski, define 'comfort zone' then we can talk :D

  4. Waow, ya... Teman yg selalu ada buat diajakin 'makan', walau dia udah di pojok dunia manapun... Etapi nungguin dulu definisi komport zone versi Stania, takut kejebak... :p

  5. wildy, konteksnya malah udah setaun ga ketemu dan catching up. fair to say that I'm not always there for her and vice versa. but knowing that someone knows me that well, that kinda heartwarming :)
